NEXT: 2022 Zhuhai Airshow China NOV8-13
List of exhibitors of the 13th China Airshow 2021
List of important activities of the 13th China Airshow 2021
Flight Show Schedule of the 13th China Airshow 2021
13th Zhuhai Airshow China held Sept28-Oct3,2021**Apr23 News
Postponed to 2021. (Official announcement not published yet. Details please contact us.)-Aug, Sept, Oct of 2020
held November 10-15, 2020-confirmed on May 7, 2020
China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition
China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition is the biggest airshow in China/Asia, so it is called Airshow China.
China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition is held in Zhuhai, a southern city of China, so it is also called Zhuhai Airshow.
About us
We are an airshow fans club.
We have visited lots of airshows globally. We have ever faced uncertainties and difficulties while traveling in a strange city, especially to see big events like airshows. So we build this website, provide airshow information, and local services to foreign visitors.
After registering and ordering on our website, you will get our local service on airshow registration, ticket, room, and bus arrangement for you. You can schedule your travel itinerary, calculate the cost easily. We hope our guidelines here help your trip easier and save your time a lot.
We invite more visitors and exhibitors to join this airshow and our club.
Everybody can share photos and experiences on this website and social groups. You can meet new or old friends while you are at Zhuhai airshow or the other coming airshows in the world.
This website is set up in 2018 and served visitors, exhibitors, purchasers. If you have any questions, please leave messages to us, we are glad to be of help.
**We are NOT the organizer of airshows**